hamidcocker.com - Hamid Cocker

Description: Home page of Hamid Cocker, a pop artist from New York. Hamid Cocker ventures into original songs and music after decades of successful engagement of media & live audiences with music & songs of the 60's. The guitar and Hamid have been great friends for de

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Hamid Cocker Home Music LATEST MUSIC Videos ORIGINAL MUSIC VIDEOS My Renditions Lyrics Blog Contact ABOUT   Deeply rooted in Rhythm & Blues and the Rock And Roll era Hamid has always found special reprieve in strumming and singing the music of his genre.

From his early youth he was mesmerized by iconic superstars like Elvis, Chuck Berry, Cliff Richard, Beatles and many others, as he journeyed impersonating his idols at school & college concerts to Dinner Dance venues & stage performances. He has earned acclamation of audiences from different walks of life. 

Music has always studded his multifaceted life that includes long years of managing a pharmaceutical company and nurturing a successful family.