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Halloween Decor, Themes & Costumes

Many couples are choosing to dismiss the spooky Halloween costume for more saucy, sexy ones these past several years. Since Halloween is one of the few nights a year where you can put on a costume, become someone you aren’t and take on a new personality, a sexy Halloween costume can be a sure way to liven up your Halloween festivities. In addition, thanks to some ingenious online Halloween costume retailers, sexy Halloween costume are not limited to just girls & women anymore. Here are some costume ideas th

Long known as the “bad boys” of the sea, pirate Halloween costumes can be sexy for both men and women. Both sexes can utilizethe traditioinal high black boots, eye patches, sashes, and hats for accessories. For women, a short, tattered skirt and crop or off the shoulder shirt can help finalize the look, and for men, tight black pants and unbuttoned shirts to show off their chests giving it that dramatic and sensuous appearance. Remember to add your own personal touches of gold jewelry and other accessories.