halflightcomics.com - Halflight – Updates Mondays

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New page! Definitely had some challenges come up around time management lately but still working on the comic. Thanks for reading!

Hey, out there, to anyone who is still watching this space – and I know there are some of you (I’m working on finding the login that can approve comments). It’s been a while. I know. It’s funny (and not) but after a while, the shame of hiatus becomes even more fuel for the inertia of it. In the time since I’ve last updated here, my life has seen a fair amount of change and I’ve had to learn some lessons in balance. (Who’s kidding? I’m still learning.) As a part of that balance, I really want to start workin

It’s been a labor of love and good for my brain to have this project to work on. So I’m getting back to it. It’s in the midst of many other work-and-home projects, so my timeline isn’t immediate, not the least because all of my technology is packed away in boxes cleverly labeled things like “computer and kitchen stuff” and “miscellaneous”. That being said, I want to make this process more transparent and to be able to provide proof of progress, so I made a halflight-specific twitter @halflightcomics and wil

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