haleysellmeyer.com - Artwork by Haley - Artist Haley Sellmeyer - Home and Artist Bio

Description: Artist Haley Sellmeyer, Age 13 paints with acrylic paint, oil paint, watercolor paint, UNiCORN SPiT paint and alcohol ink paint. Original artwork is displayed in an online art gallery. Upcoming artshows, art events, art classes, art videos, art blog, art programs, art tutorials and more. Purchase art, buy artwork gifts and browse art.

art (55233) painting (13798) artwork (6995) drawing (4750) acrylic (1996) watercolor (1921) oils (969) pastels (428) haley (42) haley sellmeyer (1)

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I'm 13 years old and I LOVE to paint and create art. I've been painting and creating different types of art since I was one! I was born two months premature and my mom was trying to find things to stimulate my brain. Art happened to be one of those things and its just been a progression from there! I started finger painting, then I began painting on an easel with water based paint when I was two. At age four I starting painting with acrylic on canvas and when I was six I started painting with oils! Now I pa

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