halesupport.com.au - Hale Community Support

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Hale Community Support operates in a 24 hours model of support, providing services to Australians’ National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) participants.

The respite homes and permanent accommodation are located in the north-western suburbs of Sydney. Each home has the capacity to cater for three to four clients and always have a spare bedroom for emergency referrals or crisis situations. In 2012, a need arises for the organization to provide a group home for an individual with disability who was in a crisis situation and had advocated for his own accommodation. As a service provider committed to person-centered planning, we provided a home for the individua

The Organization’s role provision is to comply with the objects and principles of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2006) and the NDIS Code of Conduct which promotes safe and ethical service delivery. The emphasis is placed on how a person with a disability has the same basic human rights as any other member of the Australian society, as well as the right to have their specific needs met regardless of the nature, origin, type or degree of their disability.

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