hafzoo.com - We tell stories.

Description: A creative production company.

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01 Work 02 About 03 Zoolog 04 Contact Felder CNC Instinct Hafzoo came up with a film to illustrate the unique Felder CNC instinct. Total synchronicity between woodworker and Format 4 CNC machining center. We decided to take it one notch up and show what it is like when you feel at one with your machine.

Wir wollen Städter direkt in ihrem urbanen Setting abholen. Wenn sie sich ganz fest nach Schnee und Winter sehnen, dann werden sie vielleicht kreativ und beginnen im Stiegenhaus Ski zu fahren, um dem Winterwunsch etwas näher zu kommen. Leider geht das schief, humorvoll und mit Augenzwinkern versteht sich.

For carpenters and furniture makers the quality of the “perfect edge” is essential to the distinguished finishing of a piece. This can only be tested by touching, feeling and rubbing the final product. At Hafzoo we loved this hands-on approach and decided to focus on human feelings and an approaching delivery, to introduce the new Felder Format 4 edgebanding machine.