haensenberger.com - Dr. Silvio Hänsenberger, TechLaw Specialist

Description: Advice on technical law, such as liability law, employment law, data protection law, aviation law and corporate law. Dr. Silvio Hänsenberger, Teufener Strasse 25, Postfach 121, 9001 St. Gallen

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Dr. iur. Silvio Hänsenberger, a ttorney-at-law and  M.A. HSG in law and economics, is a TechLaw Specialist. He advises and conducts research on the legal implications of new technologies. His areas of expertise include liability law, labour law, data protection law, aviation law and corporate law. 

Access here Legal Operations - A global trend is reshaping the legal industry ​ Legal departments are facing an escalating number of cases, growing risks and increasing complexity, combined with drastic cost pressure. To meet these challenges, more and more companies are building legal operations teams.   What does this development mean for the legal landscape? ​ Buy here Liability for products with learning algorithms

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