hackyourbureaucracy.com - Hack Your Bureaucracy

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Now, they bring their years of experience to you, teaching you strategies anyone can use to improve your organization through their own stories and those of fellow bureaucracy hackers. Regardless of your industry, role, or team, Hack Your Bureaucracy shows how to get started, take initiative on your own, and transform your ideas into impact.

Look Between the Silos Find Your Paperclip Pick up the Pen Stab People in the Chest Strangle the Mainframe Pilot is the Password Blog Day One of Hack Your Bureaucracy We’re excited to announce our new book, Hack Your Bureaucracy: Get Things Done No Matter Your Role On Any Team. It’s available now! Click here to read more. Write It Down: How a Written Memo Can Help You Gain Support For Your Ideas How can you get your coworkers to support your ideas at work? It sounds boring -- but trust us: write it down! Bu

Whether you just started your first entry-level job, run the entire company, or just feel trapped by your condo association bylaws, it’s time to learn how to get big things done. From local government to the White House, Harvard to the world of venture capital, Marina Nitze and Nick Sinai have taken on some of the world’s most challenging bureaucracies—and won.

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