habenichtpress.com - Primitive Information | the knowledge of contrast, feeling for light and shade, all that information (primitive sense) necessary

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Let’s not fight over the check that’s coming all too soon; the waiter’s weaving through the tables with his tray — we can’t split it, either, there’s no going Dutch with Death who demands payment in full, prompt and exact. Hurry, there are diners hovering close by, eager to take our place, coffee’s been served… And though I try to pay my card’s declined, my cash no good — so go ahead, add this to all that I owe, already so steep as to make a mortgage broker blush, deep as any trade deficit with China. I’ll

The Zika virus can’t be sent to hell. You can’t put brain-eating algae on trial, and the alligator that dragged that boy into the lake won’t have to answer for its sins — so why should I, just because I’m a sentient being who can make decisions of a sort, though I’m led by nature just like anything else on earth? But WTF do I know? I don’t know shit about your plan, it’s written in wind and waves and stars — so lobotomize me, let me crawl away blasted by your blood, a bug half-sprayed, almost dead, happy to

The horn goes off before my final shot reaches the goal, the whistle blows, the game is lost, the other team pours onto the ice, their gloves and sticks flying, and above them Death (the announcer) laughs, already picking apart my stats, pointing out weaknesses in my game, tweeting about how I’ll be forgotten as, all done now, I retire. Yet as I unlace my skates and peel off my jersey for the last time, the anger melts away, the all-consuming pressure leaves my bones, my soul relaxes, I break into a grin, w

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