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Kubernetes relies on Linux containers and cgroups, so you can't run Kubernetes or even docker containers directly on OpenBSD, but Alpine Linux runs great under OpenBSD's VMM hypervisor. Alpine shares a lot of the same ideologies as OpenBSD, and it has become a favorite in the Linux container ecosystem. 

Kubernetes is a system for deploying containerized applications at scale, in a clustered environment. This lets developers create microservices that run in a mesh configuration, or large, monolithic apps that run in Docker. These docker containers can then be deployed to a kubernetes cluster for testing and production use. In the modern enterprise world, it's becoming far less common to build and provision web servers and run apps on them. More often than not, the infrastructure is virtual, software-defined

It would be far faster and efficient to follow my OpenBSD HTTPD guide and then install Wordpress directly, so this is less about getting wordpress running on OpenBSD than it is about getting one's feet wet in clustered workloads and applying modern DevOps principles in an OpenBSD-centric home lab. Once this is up and running, you can use kubectl, kustomize, or helm to deploy all kinds of things to the cluster with relative ease. I'm gonna try OWASP Juice Shop next.

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