- Gydja – Dark Ambience for Dark Goddesses

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Dark Ambience for Dark Goddesses

Gydja (an Old Norse word for priestess ) is a dark ambient projected created by graphic designer and writer, Abby Helasdottir. It was conceived with the aim of creating sounds that could be used for magickal and shamanic purposes, with a particular, if not always explicit, focus on the Germanic goddess of death, Hela. This approach has since broadened, with music of both a mundane and magickal nature being produced, and works designed specifically for ritual use do sit alongside explorations of sound for so

The magickal side of Gydja often takes the form of dark ambient, and features in works such as Rokkrsong ,  Liber Babalon (2001), Umbilicus Maris (2007), Helchemy (2009), and in collaboration with Emme Ya, Apsinthion (2015).

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