- wedding package photo and video

Description: Wedding Package Photo and Video. Documentary natural lihgt photography and videography. Olga Gurton Photo and Film

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Our small team of passionate photographers and videographers is committed to capturing the essence of your wedding day so that you can relive those precious moments with heartfelt nostalgia.

Olga is a Siberia-born photographer who has been working as a Baltimore engagement photographer and wedding photographer for well almost a decade. Plus, she boasts 14+ years of studio experience as a professional photo retoucher. In that time, she’s developed an amazing ability to help couples lower their guard, allowing her to take some of the rawest, most sincere photographs you’re likely to come across. In addition to the remarkable honesty of her work, we’re rather taken with her careful composition, wh

"The Nine Best Engagement Photographers in Baltimore" by Peerspace

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