- GUESTures | GOSTIkulacije

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The project GUESTures by artist Margareta Kern focuses on the overlooked histories of women migrant workers, reflecting the fragmented nature of memory and narrative, and thinking through the radical potential of an artwork as an archive and a memorial to the unsaid and the unheard. The project is focused on and dedicated to migrant women who were part of organised mass migration from the socialist Yugoslavia to West Germany in the late 1960s - as the 'guest workers' or 'Gastarbeiter'.

RICHARD S. ESBENSHADE: Remembering to Forget: Memory, History, National Identity in postwar East-Central Europe 1995 “Thus a proper investigation of the past becomes destabilizing rather than stabilizing; the national narrative as a means of control can be subverted and splintered into multiple and ever-changing narratives. The use of memory itself can and should be subject to such examination, thus mixing the call for a “social history of memory” with … “the working principle that whenever memory is invoke