- Griffiss Local Development Corporation (GLDC)

Description: The Griffiss Local Development Corporation mission is to promote, facilitate and oversee the redevelopment of the former Griffiss Air Force Base, Rome, NY.

ny (7028) rome (1019) cny (133) central ny (28) air force research laboratory (2) griffiss local development corporation (1) gldc (1) griffiss business and technology park (1) eastern air defense sector (1) defense finance and accounting service (1)

Example domain paragraphs

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   Welcome to Griffiss Local Development Corporation (GLDC)   Griffiss Local Development Corporation mission is to promote, facilitate and oversee the redevelopment of the former Griffiss Air Force Base, Rome, NY through the implementation of a comprehensive redevelopment strategy (Which includes the development of the Griffiss Business and Technology park) and to maintain, strengthen, and expand the viability of the remaining Air Force and other Federal assets including the Air Force Research Laboratory, t

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