- “Green Anti-Aging” By Sturm Enrich | Official Website of Sturm Enrich, Survivor, Thinker, Author And Speaker

Description: The author introduces natural approach to fighting the aging process. With this holistic anti-aging book, you can be YOUTHFUL, healthy, and energetic!

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Thought-provoking author’s blog. Empowering books by Sturm Enrich: Green Self Help, Green Anti-Aging, Personal Crisis Solutions and Holistic Religion. User’s Manual For Life is coming soon!

Usually around the age of 50, we begin to notice things we never noticed before. We don’t see as well as we used to; some of our body parts begin turning south, our bones make noises we’re unfamiliar with… All these “little” changes are unsettling. Fear of aging isn’t just an expression, it’s a legitimate fear. We begin to avoid birthdays and the future seems more like a threat than a promise. This is where “Green Anti-Aging” by Sturm Enrich comes in to dispel the inevitability of frailty as we age.

Aging – in very general terms – consists of three aspects: “wear and tear”; chemical imbalances and age-related diseases. The best way to address them is by healthy living, repair, supplementation, maintenance and prevention. “Green Anti-Aging” by Sturm Enrich provides solutions for all these aspects of aging. Toxic chemicals or surgeries are not involved. Most issues of aging can be successfully remedied with nutrients.