- The Green Mangoes Blog | On learning through life, not school

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Another mass shooting.  That makes 36 since Columbine (at least 36- I’m not sure I got them all).   Not to mention the literally hundreds of thousands of deaths – not of the mass variety – caused by guns in the same time frame.  If you use an average of 30K gun related deaths in the U.S. every year that is 480,000 since 1999. And that figure is conservative.

I have many members of my extended family who are card carrying NRA members, libertarians, gun enthusiasts – and I love them all.   But on this issue we will never agree.   I cannot accept their defense of their ‘right’ to carry a gun – any gun – when it feels to me like a dismissal of the deaths of so many people.

When the Bill of Rights was drafted, the right to bear arms was put in as an afterthought, and had a lot more to do with preventing a standing army than allowing Americans to carry an arsenal on their back.  (See Michael Waldman’s excellent book “The 2nd Amendment – a biography “)  Now we have a standing army, so the 2nd Amendment, if you are looking at it from the Founders point of view, failed.   But if you want to wrap yourself in the Bill of Rights, then how about this?  I agree to allow every man, woma

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