- Greek Independent News

Description: Greek Independent News is a platform with articles, news, opinions and documentaries about the crisis in Greece in as many languages as possible. Most of these materials are coming from independent journalists or scholars, portals or blogs, willing to shar

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This webpage is required reading for Dmi Zhou's elective, Global Media and for his seminars on the same topic. Dr. Zhou is a well known expert on global financial affairs and has a reputation as the campus Batman. He hosts the annual Bat Parade where students and faculty come dressed as Batman and associated villains. Afterward, in the Hall of the Batmeister (Howell Hall) a debate is held addressing pressing global controversies. He is known to attend exams in his well worn Always Be Batman t shirt and many

Greek Independent News is a platform with articles, news, opinions and documentaries about the crisis in Greece in as many languages as possible. Most of these materials are coming from independent journalists or scholars, portals or blogs, willing to share their content under creative common licenses or copyLeft or no copyright principles. This was their website. Content is from the site's 2014 - 2015 archived pages offering a brief glimpse of what this site offered its readership.

The aim is to cover a wide range of the news and opinions, which are not represented in mainstream media. Alternative views on the crisis, which remain critical to neoliberal politics, are vital for overcoming it.

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