- Greek Gods and Goddesses

Description: All you want to know about Greek gods and goddesses (and Roman gods, too!)

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(and Roman gods, too!)

When I was a kid I was a specialist in Greek gods and goddesses , because one of the first books I ever read was about Greek mythology . When my father wanted to have fun, he would ask: "Who was Zeus?", "Whose daughter was Diana?", "What's the Roman name of the Greek God Dionysos?" - each time, he hoped I wouldn't know the answer... and each time I deluded him :) google_ad_client="ca-pub-2492513543072073";google_ad_slot="5079337403";google_ad_width=300;google_ad_height=250; There were also some pictures of

What I found fascinating was that the Greek gods and goddesses were so human. They lived on Mount Olympus - the mountain exists, the fact that they lived there was like a self-confident invitation to everyone: "You don't believe we exist? Just climb up this mountain and you'll find us!"