- Estes Park, Colorado MacCertified Golf Instructor | Lanty McCartney

Description: Lanty McCartney, Certified Golf Teaching Professional in Estes Park, Colorado. WGTF and USGTF Certified Golf Instructor.

co (2158) estes park (83) usgtf (3) certified golf instructor united states golf teachers federation world golf teachers federation   wgtf

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Lanty McCartney, United States Golf Teachers Federation and World Golf Teachers Federation certified Golf Teaching Professional is based in Estes Park Colorado.  Lanty’s primary goals are to communicate to his students clearly and concisely the factors causing frustration with their game.  Together the two of you will develop strategies to improve your game as quickly and as efficiently as possible.  As a result you will develop an effective golf game based on your current swing, physical limitations, time

Be confident in the fact that your instructor has studied and taught extensively on other aspects of the game, not normally covered by other instructors, including the short game, putting, equipment, course strategy, golf psychology, and golf fitness.  Many of his students report that Lanty’s golf teaching/golf coaching philosophy is unique among golf teaching professionals.