- Grandmother Wisdom – Grandmother Mulara takes you on a journey of self-discovery

Description: Welcome to Grandmother Wisdom

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Grandmother Mulara is an Aboriginal Senior Lore Woman who also holds a Juris Doctor in colonial law. She walks two cultures and with two laws to bring through the New Dreaming, Wirritjin , prophesied by our old people a long time ago, a time when our traditional lore is returned in a new way, a time when ‘black and white’ (‘red’ and ‘yellow’, all of us) will walk together, and when everyone takes responsibility for themselves. That time is now.

Grandmother Mulara assists people to navigate the spaces in between… she is a healer and an educator, an executive coach and a consultant, amongst other attributes. She has led expeditions in many parts of Australia and overseas; researched at PhD level into values, ethics and leadership; and received numerous awards for her work, including an Australian Prime Minister’s Award of Merit.

Gm Mulara was given responsibility for Grandmother Lore teachings so that people will know how to look after themselves. She was taught by senior lore women throughout Australia for over 50 years. Her Aboriginal lineage comes from her grandfather, Archie McKenzie from Northern Flinders Ranges, and her grandmother a descendant from Wilcannia/Broken Hill country and Afghani camel drivers.