- Graffiti Research Lab Vienna … bbl maybe (Archive)

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Used to be dedicated to outfitting graffiti- and street-artists with open source technologies for urban communication.

The Graffiti Research Lab (G.R.L.) was founded 2006 at Eyebeam in New York City and is (… well, was) dedicated to outfitting graffiti writers, artists and protesters with open source technologies for urban communication.

Following a lose collaboration of Florian Hufsky , Michael Zeltner and Florian Frühauf in which we reinterpreted the work of the G.R.L. mother cell as well as implemented a hostile takeover of the quartier21 , Kunsthalle Wien and MUMOK , we were invited to co-exhibit with G.R.L. at Ars Electronica in September 2007. At Ars, we suggested opening the brand as much as the software and instructions, ultimately yielding the foundation of G.R.L. Vienna.

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