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Description: Grace Kearney - Science Writer / Creative Writer / English Teacher

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Grace is a science writer living in Brooklyn. Her essays have appeared or are forthcoming in Hobart ,  The Baltimore Sun ,  The Other Journal , Barren Magazine , South Dakota Review , North Dakota Quarterly , and elsewhere. She has authored papers in a number of medical journals, including  Journal of Palliative Medicine,   Journal of Religion and Health , and Journal of Cancer Education . Her science writing is featured regularly on

Grace is the co-author, with the late Dante Barksdale, of  Growing Up Barksdale: A True Baltimore Story , available on Amazon and at your local bookstore , if you're in Baltimore. She also served as an editor for  The Sentences That Create Us: Crafting a Writer's Life in Prison (Haymarket Books, 2022) and is a member of the PEN America Prison Writing and Justice Committee.

Grace holds an MFA from the City College of New York, where her graduate thesis received the David Dortort Prize for Nonfiction in 2022.