- Grace to the Nation – Embracing and Cultivating Biblical Christianity in Africa & Namibia in particularly

Description: Embracing and Cultivating Biblical Christianity in Africa & Namibia in particularly

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Embracing and Cultivating Biblical Christianity in Africa & Namibia in particularly

‘Jesus cannot be the only way to heaven’, ‘There are so many religions out there, they are all leading to God’. ‘What about those people who have not had an opportunity to hear about Jesus, how will they go to heaven if Jesus is the only way but they have not heard about him?’ These … Continue reading Jesus Is The Only Way To God, No One Else →

In the world, especially in the African continent, conflicts, disunity, fights and destruction in homes, families, organizations, governments, and sadly even in the churches are centered around six idols of fallen sinful human hearts, which are: possession (money/material objects), power, position, pleasure, prestige, and popularity (fame). An idol is something that you love and treasure … Continue reading The Six Idols that Cause Division and Destruction in the Church and in the Society →