- Grabovoi | Teoria e Pratica della Salvezza

Description: Insegnamento di Grigori Grabovoi. Scopri le basi pratiche dell’eterno sviluppo armonico, apprendi la pratica del pilotaggio della realtà e partecipa al progetto di Salvezza Globale

insegnamento di grigori grabovoi (1)

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A member of the New York Academy of Sciences and the International Academy for Social and Economic Development , he has devoted himself to the study of different disciplines such as philosophy, medicine and jurisprudence , with the aim of unifying the different fields of Human knowledge .

For the results of his scientific research, he was awarded the Silver Medal by the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and the “Peter the Great” Medal for the development of Science and Economics .

In 2008 he ran for the Russian presidential election , with the intention of leading the process of transforming consciences also in political terms. Since then it has been the subject of an extensive slander campaign by the Russian media. NEWS DECLARATION LEGAL His extraordinary qualities Since he was 5, Grabovoi has revealed an unusual intelligence, as well as natural qualities of clairvoyance and remote vision that have also favored him in his work as a researcher, showing him “the solution even before t

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