- WAVE – Feel the freedom

Example domain paragraphs

F reedom of maneuvering profiles in space, process flow, separate slices in calculated volume and each calculated volume. Whole GPR data are accessible and easily editable. Most important is feeling of lightweight data set and light-speed of every calculation.

Fast algorithms to calculate as many different GPR data processing flows and as many depth slices as you need is a must-have time saver. However, visualizing modifications of calculated results and responding in the blink of an eye is the key to successful interpretation. Why? Because the way you work with the GPR data shouldn’t be determined by software limitations.

Think how many changes you usually do to have best result? One? Ok, maybe simple software is enough for you. Ten? More? Change should be visible in very same moment you do it – or at least that fast to not affect whole process. You may have to wait moment for interpolation calculations like krigging – we don’t promise a miracle – but not longer than one minute or maybe few if you are calcularing large areas.