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Before we explain all about the arbah minim , I should like to introduce myself. My name is Rabbi Sholom Hecht , the youngest of six brothers, all Rabbis, American born to an American born father who’s father arrived to the shores of the United States in 1880. After establishing my business in 1961 of selling religious articles, giftware, and esrogim (from Israel and Italy), both wholesale and retail in the Flatbush section of Brooklyn, New York, I was approached by my mentor and Rabbi, Rabbi Israel Jacobso

A SHORT HISTORY: He was the first person to travel to Italy after WWII under the directive of the previous Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Joseph I. Schneerson ob”m, where he contacted a Mr. Cray, a prominent Italian Jew who was well acquainted with the esrogim and provided the previous Rebbe with esrogim for himself and for the family while he resided in Europe. After that, Rabbi Jacobson became the first importer of “Yanover Esrogim.” This continued for many years until Mr. Cray retired when he was well into his

Being a follower of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, I asked the Rebbe’s advice and the Rebbe said YES. So in 1967 I became a partner of Rabbi Jacobson ob”m and traveled to Italy where he taught me all about checking the trees etc. to ensure the kashruth of the esrogim. One very important rule was given to me by the Rebbe, that every esrog must be cut under the supervision of someone who is Jewish, acquainted with the trees (as for the origin and to check them to make sure that they were never grafted and 100% pure),