- Oh hello! Welcome to my reality. Glad you wandered and wondered in

Description: What is this blog about? Mental health – but not in a drink-this-juice-made-of-ground-birch-and-fairy-dust-and-you-will-be-fine, and, sadly, as much as I do love Barney Stinson, not in a “whenever I’m sad I stop being sad and be awesome instead”. It’s about living with depression and anxiety. And let me tell you; they are a bitch! But here…

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Oh hello! Welcome to my reality. Glad you wandered and wondered in

What is this blog about? Mental health – but not in a drink-this-juice-made-of-ground-birch-and-fairy-dust-and-you-will-be-fine, and, sadly, as much as I do love Barney Stinson, not in a “whenever I’m sad I stop being sad and be awesome instead”.

It’s about living with depression and anxiety. And let me tell you; they are a bitch! But here I am living with the two. And by living I mean going from high-functioning to complete mental break-down to back again, in days, sometimes even seconds.. Much fun. Great experience. 10 stars (…out of hundred…billion).