gordongrindstaff.com - Good times and bad | The musings of g2, traveling man and old curmudgeon

Description: The musings of g2, traveling man and old curmudgeon

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This morning, I got out of bed, walked down the hall to where our smart thermostat is mounted on the wall and looked at the settings. The function indicator was set to ‘cool’ where it had been since late May of this year. The desired temperature setting was 76, as it had also been since that time.

The inside temperature read 66 degrees Fahrenheit as I stood there shivering in my skivvies (sorry, I’m not a pajama kind of guy). God forgive me, I was so  cold I could not wait any longer so I did it. I took a deep breath, pushed the button switching the heat pump system from cool to heat and the furnace kicked on immediately.

I wasn’t going to do it; I was hoping to hold out until November 1 but the gloomy skies, cold rain,  the 50° temperature outside and the 66 inside was just too much for my pansy-ass, arthritic bones.