- Good Shepherd det

Example domain paragraphs

A church, or even known as the church building, is a building that is used for the Christian religious activities particularly worship services. The towers or the domes are often added with the intention of directing the eye of the viewer towards the heavens and inspiring the church visitors to a new domain.

There are a number of architectural activities that the architectures have modified in the designs that have been historically associated with the churches. Here we shall discuss and see some of the things that you should know about church architecture.

•     Steeple: These have the e-functions. Firstly, the vertical lines of the steeple help to visually enhance the lining of the church; it directs the viewer’s eyes vertically to the heavens. Secondly, it gave the church buildings visually pleasing feature enhancing the harmony of the design. Thirdly, these provide the highest architectural feature of the area.