- Golden West Machine Inc., A Turnkey, Large Capacity, High Precision machine and Mechanical Group

aluminum (1303) stainless steel (1158) alloys (168) mild steel (80) od grinding (14) metalizing (10) jig boring (6) vertical boring mills (3) athes (2) thermal powder coating (2)

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Since 1982 Golden West Machine has continually endeavored to maintain the highest standards of quality and service in the Oil Field and Power Plant Manufacturing and Industrial Repair Industry.

Today, the range of services we can provide is more complete than ever. Included is a larger, more complete machine shop and service center, and a highly trained MillWright team handling all of your reciprocating and rotating equipment needs.We are ready to assist you with all aspects of your requirements.

By creating a cost-effective vendor base having the capabilities to handle all aspects of your repairs in-house, having nothing but the most highly trained mechanics, mil-wrights and machinists,we can cost effectively meet or exceed your demands. It is our hope that we will have the opportunity to put our experience, know how, skill and craftsmanship to work for you!