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Like so many marketing trends, the baby boomers are probably responsible for the sudden interest in bikes that go easy on older bodies. These bikes are often a single gear, meant for easy biking around town and often preferred by older riders. It seems the boomers are slowing down, and they want their rides to reflect this.

Another trend is the return to using a bike to commute to work. The latest generation to embrace this is the Millennials. They have begun to reject driving in huge numbers, favoring a comfortable ride on a bike to get to work. As they head to work on their bikes, they want a comfortable ride not a fast one.

Finally, for many couples with kids, biking is a good way to get some exercise in and to find ways to stay connected with the family. Heading out for a family outing on the weekend isn't about racing; it’s about an enjoyable and easy ride together. The comfort bike is perfectly suited for this.