gogdi.org - GO GDI

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The Divine prompted Royal Shri Maha Rudraji to temporarily renounce his social and materialistic life so that he could go through an intense spiritual journey and be ready to serve The Divine unconditionally. During his journey, he was shown the galactic existence, made aware of his reason for being, and given divine wisdom. Alongside The Divine, he created many outreach efforts that will uplift humanity and elevate human consciousness. When The Divine asked him to reunite with the social world, he was dire

A world full of happy and blissful people with elevated human consciousness and living a peaceful, energetic, and meaningful life through which they can magnify their inner abilities, maximize their life potential, and become better in life.

Empower and uplift at least 10 million people every 10 years and help them be Stress-Free, Healthy, Fit, Prosperous, Joyful, Kind, Loving, Awake, and Blissful.

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