gocmooresvillenc.com - Guardians of the Children | GOC | Mooresville, NC, USA

Description: The mission of the Guardians of the Children (GOC) is to recognize and react to child abuse and educate the public to do the same; to serve as advocates to provide strength and stability to families in crisis; and be an answer to the prayer of an abused child or teen for courage, support and protection. "DON'T LET YOUR SILENCE DROWN OUT THEIR CRIES" ™

Example domain paragraphs

The mission of the Guardians of the Children (GOC) is to recognize and react to child abuse and educate the public to do the same; to service as advocates to provide strength and stability to families in crises; and be an answer to the prayer of an abused child or teen for courage, support and protection.

What to do if a child discloses sexual abuse

Your job is to believe what the child is telling you.

Links to gocmooresvillenc.com (1)