go6lab.si - go6lab - Go6 IPv6 Lab - R&Dgo6lab | Go6 IPv6 Lab – R&D

Description: Go6 IPv6 Lab - R&D

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We are hosting a public test of various NAT64 implementations that is completely free, open and you can test them from anywhere on the Internet, as long as you have IPv6 connectivity. You can also use this test to access IPv4-only servers from IPv6-only networks wherever you are.

Read the instructions how to use it and how to direct traffic to different implementations. Thnx to PaloAlto Networks (PAN4050) and Cisco (ASR1001) for sending us hardware to make this test possible!

Namestili smo zadnjo beta verzijo PanOS 5, operacijskega sistema za požarne zidove podjetja Palo Alto Networks in prvi testi kažejo, da lako sedaj vzpostavimo tudi L3 vmesnike na napravi ki podpirajo vsaj osnovne IPv6 funkcionalnosti (v6_Address, RA, ND, firewalling, routing…). Na žalost še nimamo novic o OSPF-v3 in IPv6 podpori v BGP, a o podrobnejših testih kasneje, ko bodo na voljo…

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