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People love traveling to different places especially for vacation. But for people with allergies and asthma , it’s quite difficult though because of the presence of allergens all over the place. Many people around the world suffer from allergic reactions to different allergens that are found in food, plants, animals, insects, and environment.

One allergen that is commonly found within the environment is pollen. These are tiny egg-shaped powdery grains that come from flowering plants and grasses for their use of fertilization. Pollen is one of the hardest allergens to avoid because of its presence within different seasons. Another reason is that they come along with the wind and easily spreads in the air, especially during the peak pollen seasons.

Pollens can be divided into two general classifications when it comes to feature; there is the waxy and large type which is found on flowers and the small, light and dry type which is commonly found in trees. While the large type is usually carried by insects and birds for pollination, the small and light type is the one which causes allergy and asthma because of its feature. It can be carried by the wind to almost anywhere and can spread quickly in commercial making areas.