go-nyquest.com - Camp Canada by Nyquest - Summer Camp Jobs in Canada

Description: Camp Canada is an award-winning organization offering summer jobs in Canada through our summer 2019 Camp Canada program. Work abroad at a Camp Canada job.

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Canadian Summer Camp Jobs for International Staff

Work at a Summer Camp in Canada! Camp Canada by Nyquest  recruits  staff from around the world for summer camp jobs in Canada. Simply put – we are the experts in recruiting and placing international staff at Canadian summer camps! Not only are we the only summer camp placement agency based   in Canada, but we constantly receive excellent  reviews & testimonials,  and awards for our work to support camp staff.

Thank-you so much for everything, for finding me an amazing job and for looking after me so well when I arrived in Toronto. I don’t think I could have done what I did this summer without your help, you’ll be pleased to hear that the directors have offered me a job for next summer, I loved it there and became ‘part of the family’, I can’t wait to go back!

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