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Pitching Warm-Up Exercises Now Available on Dominate the Diamond: A Great Aid for Baseball Players

Dominate The Diamond has come up with a new way to help baseball players which will especially prove helpful for pitchers. This bundle called the Arm Care, is designed to help pitching coaches with warm-up exercises. "Pitchers usually suffer from sore arms and hence are looking for ways to get warmed-up before their matches. All they want is to keep their arms healthy, so they can perform better year after year. That is why we have come up with this course, Arm Care, that will help build strength and hence

Dominate the Diamond has this and many more video resources, especially for Softball and Baseball players. With these thorough guides, they aim to provide optimum care to players and also ensure their all-round development. Led by Duke Baxter and Steve Nikorak, Dominate the Diamond has been empowering parents, coaches, as well as players with their knowledge of the body and the mind of a youth player. With their decades of experience, this team has dedicated itself to the well-being of athletes, be it physi

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