- Roofing & Home Exterior Contractor in Metro Chicago, IL | Greater Midwest Exteriors

Description: For more than 20 years, Greater Midwest Exteriors has offered the superior roofing and exterior house contractor services that residents need. Family-owned and operated! FREE Estimates, always!

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When your Chicagoland area home or commercial business requires new installation or repairs of your roofing, siding, windows or gutters, do you have a trusted team you can call? Specializing in roofing, siding, gutters, fascia, soffit, and windows, Greater Midwest Exteriors is proud to be your one-stop shop for superior home and commercial services. With more than 20 years of industry experience, we are confident in our team’s ability to provide you with the long-lasting solutions you need.

At Greater Midwest Exteriors, our team understands how critical it is to uphold the integrity of your home or business’ exterior. Damaged or missing shingles, cracked siding, leaking gutters, and more can all contribute to more urgent problems down the road, including rot, mold, and structural damage. GME offers the superior products and services you need from the team and brands you can trust.