- globaltolocal

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After visiting Ecuador in 2017, Cambodia in 2018, and Thailand in 2019, our 2020 project involves traveling to the California-Mexico border, where students will learn about the rich relationship and history between the cities of Tijuana and San Diego. Students will meet with border security guards and tour both sides of the border wall.   Because Global to Local also focuses on spending time with grassroots change-makers who have identified a need in their own communities and worked towards solutions to add

Here we are in the final months of fundraising for our border study in San Diego and Tijuana.  This can be a stressful time of year, as we work to make sure every detail is thought of, and the students are working hard to procure the last of the funds we need.  Where would we be without the support of community organizations like Kiwanis of Newburgh ?

Last week, Christian Molina attended the Kiwanis meeting, where he planned to update members of the organization about last year’s trip to Thailand, and Global to Local’s plan for this year. Christian is a returning traveler, which means that he applied and was selected to go on a second trip, and he has agreed to act as a mentor for the new cohort members.  None of us had any idea that he would leave with a check to support the volunteer work of this year’s cohort, but Kiwanis never fails to amaze us with