- GlobalToken (GLT) | Multi-Algorithm Cryptocurrency

Description: globaltokenMULTI-ALGORITHM cryptocurrency 60 ways to mine GlobalToken (GLT) is the world's largest proof-of-work cryptocurrency with support for 60 mining algorithms, the most algorithms of any cryptocurrency. Download Wallets Blockchain Explorer Mining Pool trade GLT-btc Easy Masternode Monitoring Monitor for free Preferred Partner WHAT IS global token GlobalToken (GLT) is the world’s largest proof-of-work cryptocurrency with […]

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One of the key requirements to creating a coin built for daily use is fast confirmation times. GlobalToken transactions can be confirmed in as little as 60 seconds. When using Instant Send, users can send GLT instantly between wallets.

We think transaction fees have gotten out of hand. The aim of cryptocurrency is to decentralize payments in the attempt of lowering overall fees, which is why GlobalToken is adamant about keeping our transaction fees low.

With no pre-mine, GlobalToken is built for fairness. Since there is no large coin supply, GLT has a unique opportunity to create a large organic community that will ultimately promote strong and stable growth moving forward.