- 天博入口(中国)科技有限公司官网

Description: 天博入口(中国)科技有限公司官网甄姬为响应并落实 2025 年上海市民健身运动场地人均 2.6 ㎡的目标,我司最大化发挥合伙人的体育场馆运营管理的工作经验和体育运动专项技能的优势,天博入口(中国)科技有限公司官网原名中国纺织物资南京有限公司,2011年5月更名为中国国投国际贸易南京有限公司,注册资金人民币2.35亿元。

天博入口(中国)科技有限公司官网 (7)

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Our activities cover a wide variety of services. Mainly we are an advisor dedicated to the construction industry, where we manage the selection and assignment of construction tasks. Also we take care of the real estate investment business, both small and large-sized purchase, for income generation or for personal use.

And last but not least, we manage and trade metals and precious stons, and Oil & Gas products.

We are suppliers of some of the main partners in their respective markets: both in the design and construction of buildings, both for real estate investment opportunities, both for the purchase, sale and rental, and for all possible financial needs.

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