- GLOBAL FOOD CRISIS - most worry, others speculate

Description: The world is entering a new era of global food crisis where rising food prices, poverty and starvation will become the new normal. Most worry, others speculate.

poverty (538) starvation (22) global food crisis (1) food crisis (1) most worry (1) others speculate (1) the new normal (1) rising food prices (1) food survival (1)

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These three words are starting to cause alarm in many parts of the world. No longer is the term food crisis reserved for the under developed nations of the world where millions live in poverty and face starvation every day . Food crisis is now a phrase heard in the developed countries of Europe and even more surprisingly; the United States. One problem is that impoverished people struggle to feed themselves using outdated agricultural systems that have outlived their usefulness. These outdated methods just

These are just some of the reasons that the world is quickly approaching the precipice edge, that once crossed, will see poverty and starvation that may last a century or more. As recently as 2008, 25 countries experienced riots in the streets over a steep increase in food prices. Governments were overthrown and millions forced into poverty became refugees. War has replaced peace in many parts of the world; all because of a food shortage and higher food prices.

An expert global food crisis panel at The United Nations issued a warning in July, 2012 that the world’s agricultural supply system was close to collapse which threatened to drive millions of people into poverty, starve millions more and spark rioting that may bring down even more governments. If that wasn’t bad enough, The Earth Policy Research Center has officially commented that the world's climate is changing so fast and in such an unpredictable way that a collapse of the global food supply system is in

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