- GLOBAL AWARENESS 101 - Let your VOICE be heard and get involved. OUR future depends on it!

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We can do the right thing to create positive change within ourselves and the world around us! I have created this blog with the intention of keeping you informed of news that is affecting humanity and nature throughout the world! There is no better time than the present to become a global participant and not just an innocent bystander. I have provided you with several websites to help empower yourself and a list of global organizations that you can choose from to make a difference.

I am not in any way trying to force you to believe in Jesus Christ or that Jesus Christ (Yahshua Hamashiach) is the living breathing WORD of God made flesh to walk amongst us. Almighty God Himself doesn't force you to love Him or even believe in Him. Almighty God gave you free will to make your own choices for your life and afterlife. But there is one thing I want to emphasize to you. If you ever find yourself in a god forsaken place or hell, if you cry out to Buddha he will not save you, if you cry out to

Posted by Princess Mononoke at 4:45 PM 0 comments  

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