- glimpsedglory | Everyone was amazed and gave glory to God. Luke 5:26

Description: Everyone was amazed and gave glory to God. Luke 5:26

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My Beautiful Sisters in the Faith,

I write to you today to remind you that you are more than a conqueror – superabundantly, exceedingly victorious – in Jesus’ Name. The enemy may be prowling through this dispensation of time looking for a lamb to devour but you are fully clothed in the ROAR of the Lion of Judah. The God of the Angel Armies is for and not against you. You were armed for the battle at the Cross and ensured the victory at the Tomb. Tip your ear toward Glory, Sweet One, and you will recognize the voice of the Good Shepherd- spea

The reality we often want to turn our hearts from is that there can be no victory without battle. Our Messiah gave proofs and evidences from the desert to the well that though the fight may be fierce the outcome has been secured in the heavenlies. Do not let this time of chaos and upset steal your vision. Fix your eyes on Jesus, embrace the Spirit and walk in the daily power of grace. It is time to arise Woman of Faith, take your position on the wall, and stand firm as the warrior of life you have been anoi