- Learn to change history with git rebase!

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One of Git 's core value-adds is the ability to edit history . Unlike other version control systems that treat the history as a sacred record, in git we can change history to suit our needs. This gives us a lot of powerful tools and allows us to curate a good commit history in the same way we use refactoring to uphold good software design practices. These tools can be a little bit intimidating to the novice or even intermediate git user, but this guide will help to demystify the powerful git-rebase .

Despite the scary warning, it's worth mentioning that everything mentioned in this guide is a non-destructive operation. It's actually pretty difficult to permanently lose data in git. Fixing things when you make mistakes is covered at the end of this guide.

We don't want to mess up any of your actual repositories, so throughout this guide we'll be working with a sandbox repo. Run these commands to get started:

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