Description: Girl Now, Woman Later, Inc., is a 501(c)(3) organization working to promote Menstruation Health Education and to elevate, advocate for, and to empower girls’ education in Burkina Faso, West Africa.

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Burkina Faso has the  7th highest child marriage rate globally . Yes, you read that shocking statistic correctly. The 7th highest. A 2019 global database study by  AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL  “found that 52% of the women in Burkina Faso currently between 20-24 years of age were married before age 18.” Less than half of the girls complete basic education. For example, the success rate for the first cycle study certificate, Basic Education Certificate Examination (B.E.C.E.), or the end of secondary term was estima

Why Girls? Menstruation shaming and a lack of menstruation resources  correlates strongly with  gender inequality. For young girls in Burkina Faso , menstrual resources are  hard to come by, and some don’t even know what’s happened to them when their first cycle arrives. Older girls are absent from school when they’re menstruating due to limited feminine product availability and the social stigma associated with feminine health. Declining literacy rates among middle and high school girls are undoubtedly lin

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