- Gianna & Julian | 26 August 2017 | Nuremberg, Germany

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It isn’t just a wedding…  wanting to make the most of our nuptials, it seemed only right to take advantage of the many family and friends traveling far to be in Germany together. And so, we have a few gatherings planned to welcome, to introduce our worlds, and to enjoy your company as much as possible. We understand that schedules may not permit, though we hope to see you at any or all of the below!

Please join us for a night of drinks, light food, and great company as we kick off our wedding weekend celebrations. Music and laughter will be in abundance as long as you join us! We’ll be taking over the NETWAYS Kesselhaus which is known to throw some pretty killer parties… For those of you that like it more on the quiet side, no worries, as long as weather permits, there is abundant space outside.

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