- Ghost Stories and Pictures - A collection of ghost stories and ghost pictures from all over the world. Graveyard pictures, goth

Description: Ghost Stories and Pictures - A collection of ghost stories and ghost pictures from all over the world. Graveyard pictures, gothic church pictures and ghost town pictures are also included.

ghost stories (69) ghost story (25) ghost pictures (7) ghost photo (3) real ghost stories (3) ghost picture (2) ghost pic (1) real ghost picture (1) real ghost story (1) grave picture (1)

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Pictures of ghosts have always been interesting. Obviously, with the increased level of technology available it is easier to 'fake' ghost pictures these days. So, a modern ghost picture that is felt to be a real ghost picture aren't that easy to find these days. For that reason alone a good number of the ghost pictures in our collection are older ghost pictures taken before it was as easy to fake pictures of ghosts. Still, even with the older ghost pictures it is up to the individual to determine if they th

People have been telling each other ghost stories since the start of time. There is certainly no sign that people are telling less ghost stories in modern times than they did in the past. The only difference is that now they tell them to talk shows and tabloids rather than around the fire. This is a small collection of ghost stories that are meant to be a sort of sampler plate of ghost stories. There are real ghost stories, campfire ghost stories, Victorian ghost stories, tales of personal encounters with g

Ghosts and graveyards go together rather well for obvious reasons. We think that graveyards are amazing places. Of course they can be sad places but once you get beyond your own personal sorrow and take a second look at the a graveyard you can start to see the beauty of the graveyard. We have a growing collection of graveyard pictures that show pictures of graveyards from all over the world. It is fascinating to see how different cultures design and maintain their graveyards. These graveyard pictures aren't

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