- Glendon Gorham Registered Massage Therapy | Serving Greater Moncton - Myofascial Release

Description: Glendon Gorham Registered Massage Therapy, Serving Greater Moncton, Myofascial Release Massage, John F Barnes, Registered Massage Therapy

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The benefits of massage are many. Massage therapy helps relieve headaches, decreases muscle tension, joint inflammation, and soreness. Regular treatments help reduce stress, anxiety/depression, and help boost your immune system. Improves sleep, circulation, and quicker recovery between your workouts.

A good massage enhances physical mobility and relieves pain. It also lowers the bloodstream’s levels of stress hormones. A good massage will boost the brain’s production of feel-good chemicals such as dopamine and serotonin. These can bolster immunity, and improve sleep.

Massage therapy can help with many other symptoms as well. A massage helps to relieve chronic pain, depression, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, headaches, anxiety, immune function, and many others. If you live with any of these issues and are in the greater Moncton area we should meet. I can help you manage any of these symptoms with professional massage solutions. There is no better time to take care of yourself than now! Get Started Why choose a Registered Massage Therapist? A registered massage therapi