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It has been a solid decade since I last did the Insanity workout program with Team Beachbody trainer Shaun T. My results back then were truly amazing and I thought I would be fit for life. Alas, fitness is a journey and requires constant commitment. You can’t expect your results to last a lifetime if you stop putting in the work. Not to mention that aging can do a number on your body, too. But that doesn’t meant that you should just give up and let yourself go. And if you have truly given up on your fitness

As case in point, I just restarted my fitness journey after getting flatlined by Covid. With extremely low energy levels and almost constant chest pain I had to work on restoring my stamina in very small steps. Started with 10-15 minutes a day on my exercise bike and worked myself up to 30-45 minutes of daily cycling. Once again, the results, or rather the lack of results were truly frustrating. Sure, my energy levels improved and I felt better when performing physical activities. But the flab stayed put.

Then I remembered that my body had responded well to the high intensity workouts that the Insanity program is so famous for and I decided to give it another shot. Ready or not, I committed to it and completed my very first plyometric cardio circuit this morning. If you think I’m too old for this craziness, let me tell you that you are wrong. I mean, sure, I will be sore tomorrow. But today I feel like a million bucks. Remember, your mind is your strongest tool.

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